Silver Scrap decreases $3.65 USD/LBS.
Thursday March 09, 2017
Over the past 30 days Sterling Silverware Scrap decreased $3.65 USD/LBS, Scrap X-Ray Film dropped $0.15 USD/LBS and Dental Amalgam Scrap was $0.04 USD/LBS lower.
Typical silver bearing Lead Free Solder Scrap was $0.13 USD/LBS weaker.
The Exotic & Precious Scrap Index advanced 2.09%. The Index tracks the spot market trends of a
basket of metals from the precious and exotic scrap sector.
Elon Musk & SpaceX
Visionaries like Elon Musk have a goal to reduce the risk of human extinction by establishing
multi planetary settlements. We live in amazing times when an entrepreneur can focus resources
to establish ventures like
SpaceX is endeavoring to prove the fundamental technical transportation challenges to achieve
Human Space Travel.
In order to achieve the colonization of space,
SpaceX's first major milestone is setting up a human colony on Mars.